Women United

About Women United

United Way KFL&A is part of a world-wide connection called Women United. Women United brings together like-minded women who want to use their skills, talents and resources to contribute to their community in a significant way. Women United builds on the strong legacy of Women in Leadership in our region with members giving independently to the United Way, or jointly with their spouses or partners. Read more about Women United in KFL&A here.

Local Network:

United Way KFL&A has approximately 474 women Leaders of the Way (donors who give $1,200 or more) who make a difference in the community by supporting local programs that have a significant impact. In 2023, these leaders contributed over $1.5 million! The goal of Women United is to bring even more women and resources together under the United Way umbrella in order to change more lives for the better locally. Women Leaders can be active as philanthropists at many different level starting from $1,200-4,999 a year.

Local Issues, Local Impact: 

Women Leaders get a chance to join other local women for a deep dive beneath the issues that affect people in the community.  They learn more about local issues and programs serving women and the most vulnerable in the community. They get opportunities to participate in discussions to help shape solutions to these issues.

For more information about how you can get involved with Women United, contact leadership@unitedway.ca

Women United Leadership Challenge Grant

During the 2023 Campaign, United Way KFL&A announced that in addition to the Leadership Challenge Grant, a special Women United Challenge Grant would also be renewed.  Thanks to a generous donation from Jessica Bayne Hogan, new female Leadership donors could increase the impact of their gift. 

Under the existing Leadership Challenge Grant, supporters who increase their campaign contribution to $1,200 or make a new $1,200 gift will see their donation matched. With the addition of the Women United grant, women donors would see their donation matched by both grants – tripling their gift to United Way KFL&A.

“I’m once again calling on the amazing women in our community to step up and donate to this years United Way campaign. Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of co-chairing Women United and have been awed and inspired by the level of compassion, engagement and genuine interest of the women involved. Many times we ask ourselves how can we do better as a community, and while there is no easy solution, you can be confident that by donating to the United Way KFL&A you are helping. I ask community members to join me in making this our strongest year yet!”

Recent Events

2023 Focus:

Women United offers members several opportunities each year to gather and learn about critical issues that United Way is helping to tackle. This year, after receiving feedback from members, Women United chose to host a series of three events that highlight topics related to children and youth at different ages, their needs and the supports available to them.

November 2023 – Event focused on children and youth ages 6 – 16
Attendees heard from agencies that work with children and youth between the ages of 6 and 16. They discussed the barriers and challenges faced by youth in their middle years and ways to prevent, intervene in, and overcome these barriers. This event touched on programs that support youth struggling with academics, home life, low self-esteem, substance use/abuse, the justice system, food security, and the life skills needed to thrive.

Attendees heard from representatives from Girls Inc., Big Brothers Big Sisters, Youth Diversion, and the Food Sharing Project speaking about the barriers and challenges faced by girls and youth in the middle years, and highlighting the United Way funded programs that assist with preventing, intervening and overcoming these barriers.

September 2023 – Event focused on early years supports
Attendees heard from agencies that serve children 0-6, their families and caregivers. High-quality early years programs have long-lasting and wide-reaching positive benefits on education, social, and emotional development of children. Members heard about “EarlyON” programs that include prenatal education and support, and school readiness programs and heard from Jennifer and the impact these programs have had on her and her children.  Members also learned about Maltby Centre and “A Great Start for Families: Kahwà:tsire Ronwatiyenawá:se Centre”, which focuses on early intervention and support. Speakers were followed by a tour of Kingston Community Health Centres, where many of these programs run. 

May 2023 – Bus Tour focused on services for youth
This tour focused on youth aged 16 and up and featured three different agencies that serve this age group – One Roof Youth Hub, RISE@one4nine – Youth Transitional Housing, and the Youth Diversion Program. At One Roof, members heard more about the Peer Support Program and all the agencies that operate under “one roof” to serve youth. They toured RISE@one4nine and saw a recently vacant unit and then learned more about Youth Diversion, the Kairos program and how these services have impacted a young girl in the community. 

Panel Discussions

A series of virtual panel discussions are offered to Women United members. You can watch previous panel discussions at the links below and learn more about some of the issues facing vulnerable women in our community.
