Media Alert
October 29, 2012 –
United Way KFL&A Campaign Crosses the $2 Million Mark
The United Way KFL&A campaign has raised $2,013,307 thanks to the hard work and support of volunteers and donors. This represents 60% of the $3.35 Million goal that was announced at the Campaign kick-off on Sept. 11, 2012.
The 2012 campaign season wraps up on Nov. 29 with a Touchdown Breakfast at the Ambassador Resort.
“Thank you to our many dedicated volunteers and supporters in the KFL&A area,” said United Way President & CEO, Bhavana Varma. “With less than five weeks remaining in this year’s campaign, individual donors and workplaces are encouraged to report their results and send their donations to United Way.”
In 2011 United Way funded programs helped 85,000 people in our community.
Halloween United Way Events
The Spirit of Community isn’t the only spirit that’s making its way through KFL&A. As Halloween approaches, we thought we’d give you the lowdown on some of the ghosts, goblins and ghouls who will be scaring up funds for United Way:
- Providence Care Mental Health Services staff members are selling good old-fashioned candy apples on Tuesday, Oct. 30 and Wednesday, Oct. 31.
- If you’re looking for the perfect pumpkin this Halloween, you might want to stop by St. Lawrence College on October 30 and bid on one of the entries in their carving competition and auction.
- Frontenac Secondary School teachers and students will duel it out on the hard court once again at the annual Monster Mash basketball classic on Oct. 31, with all proceeds going to the United Way.
- The spookiest barbecue of the year is coming next Wednesday, Oct. 31, to 863 Princess Street as K-ROCK 105.7 and KIX-FM host their second annual Halloweenie Roast from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- KPMG employees are dressing up instead of dressing down. Next Wednesday, Oct. 31, they can come to work in costume and enjoy pizza and treats for a five dollar donation.
- Children can get their faces painted to match thier costume on Oct. 31st from 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club in the Robert Meek Community Youth Centre, 559 Bagot Street. $6 per child with proceeds going to the United Way. To Book your time or for more information contact 613-542-3306 ext. 231 or email
About United Way KFL&A
Established in 1941, United Way serving KFL&A works with key partners, individuals and organizations to strengthen our community by bringing people and resources together to facilitate change. Last year 85,000 people accessed United Way funded programs in our community. United Way also addresses the root causes of social problems and works to bring lasting positive change to help people live with hope, dignity and a sense of belonging. Visit for more information.
Media Contact:
Bhavana Varma
President & CEO
United Way KFL&A
613-542-2674 ext. 2
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