Leadership Giving

United Way Leaders of the Way

Leadership donors have the power to change lives. They inspire others to give. With a donation of $1,200 or more, Leadership level donors are ready to drive change, willing to set a powerful example and become part of the solution to our community’s complex social issues. Our Leaders are passionate about leaving their mark  by creating lasting change.

In 2023, 655 Leaders of the Way (donors who give $1,200 or more annually) donated nearly $2.2 million. Leadership giving has grown 23% over the past 5 years.

Thank you to the generous donors who gave at the Leadership level in 2023. A full list of donors is available here: 2023 Honour Roll

Leadership Giving Levels:

Transformational: $100,000+
Philanthropist Circle: $25,000 – $99,999
Platinum: $10,000 – $24,999
Gold: $5,000 – $9,999
Silver: $2,500 – $4,999
Bronze: $1,200 – $2,499

Leadership Challenge Grants 2023

In 2023, Ray and Paul Di Rinaldo at RDR Wealth Management stepped up to offer the Leadership Challenge Grant and encourage Leadership level gifts. In addition, another generous donor, Jessica Bayne Hogan renewed the Women United Challenge Grant to encourage female donors to become leaders in the community.

New Leadership Donors:

By becoming a new Leadership donor, you increase the impact of your gift. Your first-time donation of $1,200 or more to the United Way will be matched up to a maximum amount.

 Increase your gift to $1,200 this year and the Leadership Challenge Grant will match your $1,200 donation.

Renewing Leadership Donors:

If you are already a Leader of the Way and, this year, you add at least 10% to your gift, the Leadership Challenge Grant will provide a match up to a maximum amount. For more information about Leadership Giving, contact us at leadership@unitedwaykfla.ca

“RDR Wealth Management is pleased to partner with United Way once again for this important fundraising initiative. We know many in the community are struggling and as long-time Kingstonians, we wanted to continue to give back to our community. We wanted to do something to inspire others in the community to give and we know that with United Way, the funds will be used where they are needed most and have the maximum impact locally.”

Women United Leadership Challenge Grant:

In addition to the Leadership Challenge Grant, a special Women United Challenge Grant was also offered in 2023. Thanks to a generous donation from Jessica Bayne Hogan, new female Leadership donors could increase the impact of their gift.

With the addition of the Women United grant, women donors would saw their donation matched by both grants – tripling their gift to United Way KFL&A.

"I’m once again calling on the amazing women in our community to step up and donate to this years United Way campaign. I would never ask someone to do something that I would not do myself and I am delighted to offer the Women United matching grant again this year. Many times we ask ourselves how can we do better as a community, and while there is no easy solution, you can be confident that by donating to the United Way KFL&A you are helping. I ask community members to join me in making this our strongest year yet!”
