Provides services that benefit individuals who are Deaf, oral deaf, deafened and/or hard of hearing, as well as supportive services to their families.
Employment Services (Allocations): The program targets clients 16 years of age and older living in the KFL&A area who are Deaf or hard of hearing and facing multiple barriers in their pursuit of meaningful career opportunities, learning employer-recognized soft skills, and gaining access to relevant networks.
General Support Services (Allocations): Provides information, case management and advocacy to individuals who are Deaf, hard of hearing and their families.
Hearing Care Counselling (Allocations): The program provides professional counselling, communication support and hearing care information to adults age 55+ with acquired hearing loss, young adults over the age of 19 who have other health challenges that require in-home services, and their families and caregivers, to help them manage daily activities independently.
Tel: 1-866-518-0000 or TTY: 1-877-215-9530