Leading Change in the Workplace
This workshop focuses on unlocking the potential of your team members and moving from problems to productivity. Imagine moving your conversations away from rational discussions about fixing what’s broken to inspiring conversations around possibilities, innovation and abundance in the upcoming changes. You’ll learn new ways to motivate the people in your organization to collaborate and contribute their ideas and energies willingly so that you can build the alignment and trust that will propel you forward.
At the end of this workshop, participants will have an understanding of:
- Principles of adaptive change – helping you and your organization thrive
- How and why engaging people emotionally at work is critical
- Key principles of appreciative inquiry (strengths-based approach) that has people collaborating and contributing their ideas and energy to create breakthroughs, alignment, innovation, trust and powerful results.
Date: October 11, 2018, 9:00am-4:00pm (lunch included) – Fee $50
Location: Outdoor Centre, Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, 1641 Perth Road, Kingston
Facilitator: Christie Andrus-Nakano, The Human Factor. Christie’s unique view as a senior business consultant and former professor offers distinct insights that are of benefit to progressive organizations wanting to leverage the strengths of their people.