Your Legacy

Continue the Tradition of Caring

Continuing your tradition of giving with a gift to United Way’s endowment fund is an extraordinary statement of your generosity and commitment to your local community.  When you make plans to leave a legacy gift, you are acknowledging the issues that impact our community today while ensuring that those issues continue to be addressed tomorrow and into the future. A legacy gift to United Way continues giving beyond your lifetime and ensures that your generosity benefits our community for generations to come.

How you can leave a lasting legacy


Where there is a will, there is a way…
Making a bequest in your will is one of the easiest ways you can establish your legacy. You can leave a fixed amount of money, a particular asset or a portion of your estate.

Life Insurance:

A gift of life insurance will allow you to leave your estate to your family and still invest in the future of your community.When you designate the United Way as the owner and beneficiary of either your new or existing life insurance policy, you will receive a charitable donation receipt for future premiums paid and the cash surrender value.

Other Gifts:

You can also donate securities, real estate, RRSPs or RRIFs. Check with your financial advisor or the United Way on how you can benefit from tax savings with these options

We’re Here to Help:

We’d be pleased to meet with you or your professional advisor to discuss your gift and how you can make a lasting impact for generations to come. Your gift to the Eternity Fund will ensure that your tradition of caring continues – both today and forever – in this wonderful community we call home.

How do I name United Way of KFL&A in my will?

When naming a charity such as United Way in your will as a beneficiary, your estate will benefit from the charitable tax receipt offsetting taxes due. A bequest is the most common type of planned gift. It is up to you to decide how your gift will be used, however a general gift allows United Way to direct the monies received to the areas of greatest need.

Click here to find suggested language to use when drawing up your will. We strongly recommend you consult your professional advisors if you are considering including United Way in your estate plans.

If you would like to discuss your bequest, please contact us to ensure your intentions are honoured

Download the Eternity Fund Rack Card

Contact us to request more information or contact the United Way Office at 613-542-2674 or email 

“The United Way gives us the opportunity to make a lasting and meaningful contribution to our community. Through a bequest to the Eternity Fund we can ensure that the many essential services supported by United Way will be delivered in the future..”

Moving people from Poverty to Possibility

Income from the endowment fund directly supports emergency assistance programs to help people in poverty. This allows for investment in intervention and support of vulnerable people by providing support programs, while protecting the capital in the endowment fund. 

Poverty is an issue that affects many members of our community and will continue to have an impact for the foreseeable future. Through your legacy gift to the Eternity Fund, United Way will continue to help the most vulnerable in your community now and well into the future.

The Eternity Fund, United Way’s endowment fund, ensures that the United Way can continue to fund critical programs for people living in poverty, as well as supports needed in the event of a crisis like a pandemic. By supporting the Eternity Fund your legacy gift creates a stable source of funding for critical programs in our community.

If you have already made a provision for United Way in your estate plans…Thank You! Please let us know, so you can be part of the Eternity Fund Community. You will remain anonymous unless you wish to be recognized.

If you would like to start a conversation about leaving a legacy gift please contact us
