United Way KFL&A announces 2023 Campaign Goal
Vulnerable individuals and community need our support more than ever, says campaign chair

KINGSTON, ON (September 8, 2023) – United Way Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington will aim to raise $3,820,000 during its annual fall fundraising campaign. The fundraising goal was revealed this morning at St. Lawrence College by 2023 Campaign Chair Colonel Sonny Hatton, with more than 250 community members attending in person for the announcement.

“Kickoff is always an exciting event,” said Colonel Sonny Hatton, 2023 United Way Campaign Chair. “Our Campaign Cabinet volunteers have been hard at work since early in the year, laying the groundwork for a strong campaign. I am excited to work with my fellow volunteers and community members to make the 2023 campaign a great success.”

The 2023 Campaign Goal represents a slight increase over last year’s goal and reflects the continued and growing needs in the community. The annual campaign raises funds that are then invested locally in programs that support people in vulnerable situations. As the effects of the pandemic persist and costs rise, United Way KFL&A continues to work collaboratively with agencies and community partners as a unifying force to tackle complex social issues including homelessness, food security, addictions, and mental health.

“It is estimated that one in four Canadians are using, or will need to use, charitable services over the next year for basic necessities. In many instances, individuals are accessing multiple services just to meet day-to-day needs such as food and shelter,” said Col. Hatton. “As the needs continue to grow and agencies work to keep up, we need to support each other. The theme of this year’s campaign is Stronger Together, because when this community unites for a common cause, there is nothing we cannot achieve.”

Volunteers representing workplaces in the community shared their individual campaign goals at the kick-off and the events they have planned including BBQ’s, bake sales, food truck lunches and most importantly personalized employee giving.

“We are grateful for the support of so many workplaces throughout the community and I’m looking forward to attending events, meeting donors and volunteers and working together to support this amazing community,” added Col. Hatton.

This year’s campaign will also receive a boost from the renewal of two Leadership Challenge Grants announced earlier this summer. Paul and Ray Di Rinaldo at RDR Wealth Management have stepped up to offer the Leadership Challenge Grant this year and donors who give at the Leadership level − giving $1,200 or more for the first time − will have their donation matched to a maximum amount. Donors who are already “Leaders of the Way” and add at least 10% to their previous year’s gift will also see their increased donation matched under the Leadership Grant.

The other renewed grant, the Women United Challenge Grant, is generously donated by Jessica Bayne Hogan and specifically encourages women to donate at the leadership level, matching their gift as well. The Women United Challenge Grant was offered in 2021 and 2022 and helped increase donations by women Leaders significantly.

“We are incredibly grateful for Paul and Ray Di Rinaldo’s and Jessica Bayne Hogan’s leadership and support to this year’s campaign,” said Col. Hatton. “We are asking community members who are financially able to show their support by investing, or continuing to invest, in their community and to increase their gift if they can.”

The 11-week campaign wraps up November 24, 2023. For more information and updates, please visit www.unitedwaykfla.ca.


About United Way KFL&A
United Way Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington works closely with community partners to ensure that people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live with hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging. This vision is realized by building on deep-rooted local community knowledge and relationships to empower people to make an impact. 

The United Way raises funds for programs that support immediate needs while also tackling complex social issues collaboratively. Led by volunteers, driven by a small professional staff team, the United Way KFL&A is a unifying force, encouraging people to get involved to support our most vulnerable.

United Way KFL&A has once again made the Top 100 Charities in Canada List for according to rankings from Charity Intelligence, a position have held for the past five years. United Way KFL&A received high rankings in results reporting and financial transparency.

Stay up to date by following their social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn or visit www.unitedwaykfla.ca

Media Contact:

Mandy Pasch, Director, Marketing and Communications
United Way KFL&A
613-876-3088, marketing@unitedwaykfla.ca

