United Way KFL&A 2022 Campaign exceeds goal

Workplace campaigns, leadership giving contribute to community-wide effort to support people in vulnerable situations

Kingston, ON (Nov. 24, 2022) The annual United Way campaign is over the top! United Way of KFL&A announced this morning that the 12-week campaign has raised $3,820,000, surpassing the goal of $3,808,000 million announced in early September.

Campaign chair Jane Lapointe made the announcement during a hybrid campaign touchdown event with approximately 200 volunteers attending in person and more than 50 tuning in via Zoom. This achievement will enable agencies to continue to do the important and essential work that is needed in our community, the campaign chair said.

“This amazing community continues to step up and show their local love and support,” Lapointe said. “Thank you to all those who donated and especially to the workplaces that really played an important role this year. It was great to see so many people back in person and the innovative ways volunteers adapted their campaigns.”

Lapointe noted the campaign received a big boost through generous matching grants from Julie and Jim Parker, with the Leadership Challenge Grant, and from Jessica Bayne Hogan with the Women United Leadership Challenge Grant. Their respective support matched new leadership donors (those who give $1,200 or more) and boosted existing “leaders” who increased their donations by 10 per cent or more over the previous year. Together, the Leadership Challenge Grants played a significant role in helping the campaign reach its goal, she said.

“Julie, Jim, and Jessica, continue to demonstrate an incredible level of commitment to the United Way through their leadership, volunteering and financial contributions. I thank them from the bottom of my heart,” Lapointe said.

The funds raised through the campaign will be distributed to local agencies immediately and volunteers have been hard at work on the allocations process. Funds will be stretched this year as United Way KFL&A continues to work closely with local partners to tackle their immediate needs. United Way volunteers focus on programs that address the growing areas of need in the community, such as food security, mental health and addictions support, and homelessness.

“We know from conversations with agencies that they are seeing a 25- to 30-per-cent increase in individuals needing their supports and services. They continue to work hard to meet these needs,” Lapointe said.

The campaign chair thanked all the United Way agencies for their hard work, dedication, and support during the campaign. She also thanked agencies and volunteers, including the United Way cabinet and committees, and “all those who support and continue to support the United Way.”

“There is still significant need in our community and these needs will continue. With your support and local love we can get through it together,” Lapointe said. 

About United Way of KFL&A
United Way of Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington works closely with the community to ensure that people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live with hope, dignity, and a sense of belonging. This vision is realized by building on deep-rooted local community knowledge and relationships to empower people to make an impact. 

The United Way raises funds for programs that support immediate needs while also addressing root causes of issues that impact people locally. Led by volunteers, driven by a small professional staff team, the United Way of KFL&A provides opportunities for people to get involved, support people in need, and help to tackle issues they care about.

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Media Contact:
Mandy Pasch, Director, Marketing and Communications
United Way KFL&A

Bhavana Varma, President and CEO
United Way KFL&A
