News Release

Women United Leadership Challenge Grant encourages women donors to give more during United Way KFL&A campaign
Local leader challenges women in the community to give at Leadership level through additional matching grant

Kingston, ON (Oct. 4, 2021) – United Way KFL&A is delighted to announce that a special Women United Challenge Grant will be offered during the 2021 campaign, in addition to the ongoing Leadership Challenge Grant. Thanks to a generous donation from Jessica Bayne Hogan, women who are Leadership donors can triple the impact of their gift. 

The new Challenge Grant was announced by Women United co-chair Jane Lapointe at the first in-person Women United event of 2021 held at Lake Ontario Park on Sept. 20.

Under the existing Leadership Challenge Grant, supporters who increase their campaign contribution to $1,200 or make a new $1,200 gift will see their donation matched. With the addition of the Women United grant, women donors would see their donation matched by both grants – tripling their gift to United Way KFL&A.

“Thanks to the generosity of our anonymous Leadership Grant donor couple, and to Jessica Bayne Hogan for the Women United Challenge Grant, there has never been a better time to give,” said Women United’s Lapointe. “Your first-time donation of $1,200 will be matched not once, but twice − that is a great ROI (Return on Investment) with real ROI (Return on Impact).”

For the past two years, Jessica Bayne Hogan generously sponsored the Leadership Challenge Grant. This year, another couple took over that program, but she wanted to continue making an impact.

“I was delighted to learn that an amazingly generous couple stepped up to offer this year’s general challenge grant and as such I was able to extend an additional matching to the incredible women of our community,” she explained. “I am frequently moved by this community’s compassion and desire to improve our city’s resources, thereby improving the quality of life for the individuals who reside here.”

In the KFL&A community, 400 women donated at the leadership level in 2020, making them a part of Women United. Many of these women also gave their time and talents as members, attending panels and volunteering in the community to learn more about the issues affecting women in vulnerable situations.

“Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of co-chairing Women United along with Jane and have again been awed and inspired by the level of compassion, engagement and genuine interest of the women involved in asking how can we do better as a community to fill existing gaps and support all of those in our community,” said Bayne Hogan. 

“The power of Women United seems to come from a shared impulse to understand the challenges of individuals within our community,” added Lapointe. “No one can speak more directly to this than individuals with lived experience. Women United gathers to listen to these individuals, to learn and to discuss. With this Challenge Grant, it is a great time to join and get involved with this amazing group.”

To learn more about Women United visit

The 2021 Campaign in KFL&A kicked off Friday, Sept. 10 with the announcement of this year’s goal of $3,614,800. The 12-week campaign wraps up Nov. 25, 2021. For more information and updates please visit  

About Women United
United Way KFL&A is part of a world-wide connection called Women United. Women United brings together like-minded women who want to use their skills, talents and resources to contribute to their community in a significant way. Women United builds on the strong legacy of Women in Leadership in our region with members giving independently to the United Way, or jointly with their spouses or partners. 

The goal of Women United is to bring women and resources together under the United Way umbrella in order to change more lives for the better locally.

About Leadership Giving
Leaders of the Way are donors who give $1,200 or more annually through the United Way. This program, initiated in 1999, is the fastest growing area of the campaign. In 2020, 594 Leaders of the Way contributed more than $2 million. The Leadership Challenge Grant boosted donations in the leadership category by 18% in 2020.  

For more information about Leadership Giving and the Leadership Challenge Grant, visit 

About United Way KFLA
United Way Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington works closely with the community to ensure that people have the opportunity to reach their full potential and live with hope, dignity and a sense of belonging. This vision is realized by building on deep-rooted local community knowledge and relationships to empower people to make an impact.

Led by volunteers, driven by a small professional staff team, the United Way KFL&A provides inspiring opportunities for people to get involved and support issues they care about through volunteering, giving and being advocates for people who are in vulnerable situations.

Stay up to date by following our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn and look for regular updates on our website at


Media Contact:
Mandy Pasch, Manager, Marketing and Communications
United Way KFL&A








