20th Annual Day of Caring goes digital this year
KINGSTON, ON (June 8, 2020) – For the past 19 years, each June, United Way KFL&A volunteers have gathered in teams to help agencies with projects at the annual Day of Caring. The day is traditionally an opportunity to show your local love and help agencies with gardening, renovation, cleaning projects and learn about the impact of their donations.
With physical distancing in place this year, it is not possible for agencies and volunteers to coordinate regular projects safely. Instead, the United Way volunteer committee decided to continue the spirit of Day of Caring and engage the community to encourage personal acts of caring
Community members are encouraged to think about an act of caring that they could do on Friday, June 12 to celebrate the spirit of Day of Caring
“We wanted to continue the Day of Caring in some way and we are hoping community members will do things like shopping for a neighbor, cooking a meal for someone, calling someone who may be feeling isolated or maybe just posting a positive message in their neighbourhood or online,” said Committee chair, Michele Finney. “We want to encourage people to continue showing their local love in these challenging times and Day of Caring is a great way to do that.”
Everyone in the community is encouraged to post a photo to inspire others to do the same and use the hashtags #DayofCaring #LocalLove #StaySafe
As a start, the committee has brainstormed ideas on how to perform an act of caring on June 12, 2020 including, creating inspirational signs to place on lawns, volunteering your time, donating money, if you can, to help the most vulnerable members of your community, or mowing a neighbours lawn. For more ideas visit https://www.unitedwaykfla.ca/dayofcaring2020/
About United Way KFLA
United Way works with individuals, organizations and key partners to build and strengthen our community bringing people and resources together to facilitate change. Our vision is a future where people are self-sufficient in a community, where individuals live with hope, dignity and a sense of belonging.
Stay up to date by following our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn or visit www.unitedwaykfla.ca
Media Contacts:
With social distancing in mind, interviews can be conducted via phone, Zoom or Skype
Bhavana Varma, President and CEO
United Way KFL&A
613-929-4828, bvarma@unitedwaykfla.ca
Michele Finney, Chair, Day of Caring,
613-532-3661, michele.finney@hydroone.com
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